Tuesday, June 28, 2011

A Big Announcement!

*Sorry this video didn't come out horizontal...just tilt your head! :)

"Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened."
Matthew 7:7-8

Although a lot of people have asked Zach and I what Kannon's seizures look like, I have never broadcasted it. Part of the reason was because Zach and I for personal reasons wanted to keep it a more private situation between close friends and family. Not because we were ashamed of it (we have never been that), but only because we didn't want others to be scared or hesitant with Kannon. I have finally decided to show what Kannon's seizures look like to everyone. My reasons being because had it not been for a video that I had come across on the internet, I wouldn't have known as early as I did that Kannon was having seizures. His seizures initially started out to be what looked like just a startle reflex, but then they progressed into something bigger. Did you know there are over 30 differenct types of seizures? When I thought of a seizure, I only pictured the full out convulsions, whole body seizing type of seizures. But that isn't always the case. There are myoclonic seizures, tonic seizures, clonic seizures, tonic-clonic seizures, absence seizures and the list goes on...anyway another HUGE part of why I am writing this post is because since we have started Kannon on the Ketogenic diet (May 16th 2011), he has had 2 FULL days without any seizures. That's a big deal. He never had a day up until this diet where he didn't have a seizure at some point. Sometimes he would have 20 (if not more) a day. The Ketogenic Diet is the last resort for many kids...after numerous medications has failed (a very frustrating process) and surgery considered & sometimes performed (however in Kannon's case, he wasn't considered a good candidate for surgery) it isn't until after everything has been tried that Dr's recommend the diet....however it is SOOOO important that people are educated on it for their sake, and their kids sake, so they can start finding SOMETHING out there that works for them as soon as possible. The longer it takes to find a solution, the higher the chances for more developmental delay/phsycomotor delay, head injury and other detrimental circumstances. I also wanted to extend a very heartfelt THANK YOU to everyone who prayed for this to happen, to everyone who gave us encouragement and the strength to get through these tough times, and last but certainly NOT LEAST, those of you who have donated the money to Kannon to help make this substantial progress in his life possible. We have on order Kannon's wheelchair, his own stander, and we just received his bath chair last week. When you watch the videos above, remind yourself that those prayers you prayed or the money you donated, helped out a little boy in serious need of a miracle. WE COULDN'T HAVE DONE THIS WITHOUT YOUR HELP AND ALL OF THE PRAYERS SENT OUR WAY. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

"Evening and morning, and at noon, I will pray and cry aloud; and He shall hear my voice."
Psalm 55:17


  1. I am always on the lookout for seizures in my son but never exactly sure for what to look. Thank you for sharing the videos!

  2. You are a wonderful mom. Thank you for being brave enough to share your precious boy, so others can be educated. Love you.
