"For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare, and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. Then when you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear you." Jeremiah 29:11-12
I have always wondered, and sometimes even guessed what Kannon's future will be like. I think about all kinds of things any other parent typically thinks about their kids. What kind of school he will attend, what kind of friends he will have, or if he will be able to talk, walk, or even run someday. I even think about the bad things, and wonder if he's going to be bullied at all--and trust me, I can worry myself sick over that one. As a mom I want to do what any other mom would do and protect them from any harm. At the same time there is also a very fine line between protection and potential. I want Kannon to have all access to becoming the best at everything he does....As we know Kannon was in ICU for two weeks. I can't explain how scary it was to have Dr's and Nurses tell you so many things about what Kannon's future holds. Let's put it this way, nothing was left on a positive note. But I can share some advice... special needs, or not, child, or adult--one thing that needs to always remain first in your mind after having someone tell you something similar to that, is that there is only one person that knows anything about what the future holds, and that's the man upstairs. After leaving the hospital they started Kannon on a BiPAP machine for 10 hours (at night) and I can't begin to explain the drastic turn around he has had. He visited 3 people on Monday, all who listened to his lungs, and all of them had only one thing to rave about, and it was how well his lungs sounded. "This is the best he has ever sounded to me." Said his pediatrician. Kannon has tons more energy, his seizures have decreased to about 2 a day, he is trying to hold up his head again, and is even trying to stand up on his own! He is also gaining weight because he is not working so hard to breathe, therefore he isn't burning so many calories. So we are thrilled for what Kannon's future holds, we know that faith and encouragement are key. And despite what everyone else has told us...we believe that God is in control. He made Kannon to show and teach the world to believe in miracles, believe in the future, and to have hope. And Zach and I are blessed that He chose us to be a part of it. Thanks for the prayers everyone, they are working!
Oh girl. See how it works? Without that trip to the hospital, the docs wouldn't have come up with the BiPAP. What a miracle. Kannonball is going to write his OWN story. Look at what he already HAS written! I can never say enough how proud I am of you and Zack. God finds the perfect parents for special gifts and you are perfect for this little man. Everyone rushes and "Plans" their kids lives... that's not the way God wants us to live, He wants us in "The minute", not worrying about tomorrow. You stay on course and enjoy each day! Never stop sharing him.... Thanks for your wise words! You are a gift, too, mama.