So we just celebrated Father's Day and we had a good day and went to my dads and cooked out on the grill, not to mention SWIM! As hot as it's been lately it feels so awesome to jump into a huge pool! But anyway, to get back on track, it has been weighing so heavy on my heart to pass on to everyone what kind of father Zach is. Zach and I met on a ski trip with our church in Copper Mountain, Colorado. Although we were in a lot of the same places at the same time before then, and even had a lot of the same friends, it is unfathomable to us how we didn't meet before that day. We were both like any other kid. We didn't take life as serious as we should and even took for granted the things we shouldn't. But at some point we gradually grew up ( a little bit ;) anyway) and as life threw its curve balls at us, we were forced to mature into young adults. Before mom was really sick, and before Kannon was even thought of, Zach gradually filled a spot in my heart that I didn't know was empty. And when the time came that some obstacles in my life began to get harder and harder to get through, he was always there by my side. Even when he didn't know what to say, or deep down couldn't really understand what I was going through he was still there. When I found out I was pregnant (not any details on the baby yet) he never showed an ounce of fear.....and when we were given all of the possible circumstances of what Kannon would be like when he was born, he might have been a little scared, but still never showed it. He only made sure that I was okay. When we went to Houston, TX to start Kannon on the Ketogenic Diet for his seizures, we had a nurse aide (her name was Jazzy) that would come in our room every so often and get Kannon's vitals and other stuff. When she got the scoop on Kannon's history/diagnosis, I will never forget what she turned to Zach and said. "I'm proud of you. When given all the reasons in the world to turn away. You're still standing here." It was the first time anyone has ever said something like that to zach. I instantly thought about Jazzy and wondered if she was speaking from experience. She opened my eyes to something I had honestly never considered. In some situations like our own, I am sure there are cases where the other spouse has bailed out. And left the job for only one to handle. I am so thankful for my husband and the love that we have for each other and our special little boy, Kannon. Kannon and I both are so blessed :)
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