As of September 1st Kannon is 5 months old! We are so excited for him and all of the progress he has made in just the past few months! The last few days have been busy for him too! He had his first lake trip this weekend. Some of our good friends offered to let us stay with them for a couple days, and it couldn't have been ANY better. Talk about some good quality time away from the real world. We got to fish, eat, fish again, and eat even more---good ole' southern food too! We had a big meal on Sunday. The neighborhood got together and everyone pitched in and bought varieties of meat to smoke in this HUGE smoker they got from the fire department. It was filled with numerous racks of ribs, chicken, pork chops, etc. Then there were tables and tables of different side dishes and desserts. I couldn't get a big enough plate to fit everything on...and I honestly believe I had the BEST banana pudding ever created! Of course, sweet tea was included. Do we even have to go there? Kannon hung out in the house, doing his favorite thing--swinging. We got back early on Monday because today was going to be a big day for all of us. I had a test in Radiation Biology (yuck), Zach started his first day at his new job, and Kannon started his first day of daycare! We got him all packed up the night before, had a bath, and snuggled at bed time. I was just trying to get all the lovin's I could before he went! When this morning came, everything went well. We got everything in the car, and out the door we went! Zach didn't have to be at work until 11:00 am, so he came to see Kannon's first day too. When we got there we took pictures of every step. They probably think I am some obsessive compulsive mom, but who cares! I probably am :0 Anyway, we took turns taking pictures in front of the sign and going through the doors. I was too scared to ask someone else to take the pictures, because they probably would have thought I was kidding, and then laughed at me when I told them I was serious! We walked in, and signed his name in on the pad (yes, that required a picture too)! He was the first one there, so Kannon was making a good impression already! The lady in charge of the infant room is Mrs. Kelly and as soon as we got there she made us feel at home. Everything was fantastic! Until it came time to go. I was proud of myself for waiting until I got out of the infant room to start crying, but waiting until I was completely out of the building (10 more steps) was out of the question. Anyway, Zach hugged me and held my hand and let me know everything would be okay. He was much stronger than me. When we got in the car he even made the effort to plug my iPod in and play my favorite song as we drove off. Then, it wasn't 3 hours later I went to pick him up. It was good for me that we got out of class early after the test, that way it was a only a short time for him at daycare. I think it helped break us both into it. Anyway, we still have a lot to do today---like go to the zoo! Have a fantastic Tuesday, like we are!
I have to say I think it is AWESOME that you guys took pictures of BOTH of you walking in with Kannon to his day care :) I did this once with my husband of both of us WALKING OUT of the hospital for like the gazillionth time! lol Congrats on doing so well on his first day of day care.